Can You Do 1 Month of Work in a Single Night?

Can you multitask? Are you able to perform multiple tasks in a single night?

Sunny Archives
4 min read3 days ago
Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash

Multitasking is an ability that is rare among people, and if tasks are lengthy, then it is even tougher. It is the end of the month and almost the end of my final semester.

I am not lazy, but due to some family commitments and a busy schedule, I didn’t do a single assignment or task in April.

Not a single task in an entire month, and now you must submit everything in 12 hours. The time is 10 p.m., and you are already tired. What should you do in this difficult time?

Well, most people will try to do everything or most of the work quickly, but it is not an easy task.

Imagine you have almost five different tasks that require different mindsets and approaches and are assigned by different bosses or supervisors.

It is like living a moment in hell. I was struck by that kind of situation last night. It was the most tiring night of my life, but it taught me many things.

I was busy for a whole month attending weddings, chilling with cousins, taking an interview, and doing an industry visit for my project.



Sunny Archives

A writer who writes short stories about self Improvement.