Why do People find Morning Routines Tough?

Are you finding it tough to follow a morning routine?

Sunny Archives
3 min readJun 25, 2024
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Waking up early, reciting prayer, making and drinking tea or coffee, practicing gratitude, going into the nearby park or garden, and running for 20 minutes is my daily morning routine, but most people find it tough to follow it.

Most people do not prefer the morning routine, regardless of its health benefits. People find it tough because it is difficult to get up from your all-important sleep and leave your bed for some stupid routine or because it is not worth our time.

No, it is because it is tough to skip your old routine of sleeping for a long time, and it is difficult to adopt a new one, which is even beneficial, but your body is not used to it. It feels like a burden on your body at first, just like your first week in the gym.

But once you follow it for 2 weeks, you can see the positive changes in your body. As you become used to following the same routine, your body will not take it as a burden on you, and you will eventually enjoy this routine.

I can spend money if needed just to breathe some fresh air. I love taking deep breaths in the morning in an open place.

Second, by practicing gratitude daily, we can also build healthy attitudes and make some new friends. I say hello to every person I meet in the park, no matter if we meet for the first time or the 1000th time.

Third, morning coffee or tea is something no one can refuse.

Even if someone is not used to taking tea regularly, he or she cannot refuse to take it early in the morning. Every sip is like descending from heaven.

The morning view of nature is no less than heaven. It is so beautiful that it will freshen your soul if you connect with it.

If someone finds it tough to follow this routine, it is not because it is boring, has no benefits, or your body doesn’t support you, but because you never try for a long time.

Waking up early for 1, 2, or 3 days is useless, but trying it for at least 20 days with the motive of following it for a long time is what you should do.

Your body and your health deserve some care, and you will eventually love them if you make them a part of your life. Won’t it make you wonder that most people who used to visit parks and exercise daily live over 70 or even 80? Why are most people in the park old? It is because they took care of their bodies when they were young, and now they enjoy a healthy life when they need it the most.

Most of us spend our teenage years on social media, our young age earning, and then our old age spending the money we earn on hospital fees and medicine bills.

Care is better than a cure.

So, follow some morning routines and live a healthy life. Stay blessed.



Sunny Archives

A writer who writes short stories about self Improvement.